Meet Lord Neverember!
Congratulations, Heroes! The Party has risen to the attention of Lord Protector Dagult Neverember, Lord Protector of Neverwinter. Lord Neverember is very popular with the common folk of Neverwinter, because he has prioritized security and trade during his time as “Lord Protector”. He has cleared the High Road to the south of the notorious Blackdagger bandits, and instituted several reforms within the city. The newly-safe roads have made it easier for the “City of Skilled Hands” to sell their goods more safely and cheaply from Luskan in the north to Triboar in the east, and has made it cheaper for the common folk to buy imported products from those places as well. But the High Road still isn’t completely safe. Traders are still averse to traveling all the way to and from Waterdeep, because the Mere of Dead Men is too dangerous to stop in at night. Everyone knows that if you stop at night in the Mere to rest, you risk losing members of your caravan to undead creatures, will-o-wis...